Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Allah’s always with you, and you?

Just want to share a little thought of mine. Have you listened to the song on the right side of this blog? No need to see lah~ obviously you’re listening to it right now :)

‘Allah (SWT) maybe You are busy’

This phrase caught my ears. Have we ever thought that Allah (SWT) is busy? Busy with someone else other than us and Allah (SWT) is not listening to you the moment you are calling and praying for his mercy, love and help? Allah (SWT) always have time for us. It’s just us that seems like hard on spending extra time with Allah (SWT). We only spend our precious time with Him during our prayer times, minimum 5mins or 2mins without all the wirid and short doa only and maximum half an hour praying, reciting ma’thurat and reading Al-Quran. When we are still praying, our mind will always lingers at somewhere else, such as ‘ok ta ku laju2kn solat, nnt la OR Alah, lmbtnyer..nk makan lagi ne, lapar parutku ne, aku makan dulu tdi, baruku solat’ OR Sabar FB , kajap g aku reply comment org, ah! baru ku ingat,ada lagi gambar yang ku blum upload, eh? kn melihat gambar aku blh dapat gak ku komen2 OR - kamu sumer tawu-

i'm busy

To be honest, all these happened to me too, that’s why I have idea on what to write (nah~kedapatan tia~). Tapi true lah, nda dinafikan. Hati tani ne rasa kan tani mau penuhkan selalu dengan ingat Allah (SWT), sayang Allah (SWT) mengatasi segalanya, TAPI PAYAH KAN? napa tu ah? Hati kotor? Dunia menggoda? Belum ada kesedaran? Ada yang lebih dicintai dari Allah (SWT)? PASTI ada! Jom tani istighfar sama2, astaghfirullahalazim…astaghfirullahalazim…astaghfirullahalazim..

tasbih kafarah

“Dan apabila hamba-hambaKu bertanya kepadamu tentang Aku, maka sesungguhnya Aku dekat, Aku mengabulkan permohonan orang yang berdoa apabila ia berdoa kepadaKu.” (Al-Baqarah: 186)

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